Tuesday 5 April 2011

Problems faced when filming:

Whilst filming we were faced with a couple of problems, they were luckily only minor problems and did not affect our filming too much. One of the problems was the fact that when we were filming our outside scene we found it hard to film with the continuous amount of cars that were driving past us whilst filming. It affected the sound of ur film as the cars were quite loud and could be heard within our film. However, we did manage to change this using Final Cut to edit the sound of our film. We also found that it was very windy and rainy when we were filming outside which affected the stability and clearness of both the camera lense and tri-pod.
Another problem that we faced was the battery life of the camera, it did not last very long and affected the time in which it took us to film as we had to stop to charge the camera whilst filming.
To add to this, we found that filming on two different occasions affected the lighting and contrast of our film, we found it really hard when editing to get both the lighting and contrast to look as similar to one another as possible.    

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